Minggu, 08 Desember 2024
Ujian Akhir Semester Mata Kuliah Literasi Informasi dan Digital Kelompok 1 atau
Sabtu, 05 Oktober 2024
Kemahiran Teknis Sebagai Landasan Literasi Digital yang Efektif di Abad Ke-21
Di abad ke-21 ini, teknologi berkembang dengan sangat pesat, membuat segala dapat terhubung dengan bantuan internet, seolah menembus ruang dan waktu. Begitu pula dengan informasi, saat ini informasi lebih banyak disajikan dalam bentuk digital daripada bentuk cetak, sehingga membuat penyebarannya semakin cepat. Banyaknya informasi yang disajikan dalam bentuk digital juga menuntut kemampuan literasi digital masyarakat untuk terus meningkat. Literasi digital merupakan sebuah kemampuan untuk memahami serta mengolah informasi yang ada dalam perangkat lunak. Literasi digital merupakan suatu konsep yang membuat pelaku literasi melakukan interaksi dengan teknologi dan media digital secara efektif. Untuk mendukung kemampuan literasi digital, tentunya setiap orang harus memiliki kemahiran teknis. Kemahiran teknis merupakan sebuah kemampuan untuk mengoperasikan alat, teknis dan software tertentu untuk menyelesaikan masalah. Tanpa adanya bekal literasi digital dan kemahiran teknis, seseorang pasti akan kesulitan dalam mengoperasikan suatu alat maupun aplikasi. Strategi yang bisa dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan teknis adalah Bloom’s Taxonomy atau Taksonomi Bloom yang memberikan kerangka konseptual yang dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan kemahiran teknis dan membangun literasi digital yang kuat. Paper ini akan menjelaskan mengenai peran kemahiran teknis sebagai landasan literasi digital yang efektif di abad ke-21 serta kebermanfaatan pada berbagai jenis profesi. Penjelasan lebih lanjut dapat dilihat melalui e-book yang dapat diakses melalui atau menscan barcode yang ada di bawah ini.
Barlow-Jones, Glenda., and Westhuizen, D. V. 2013. Digital Literacy in the 21st Century: Fact or Fiction?. Conference: World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications. University of Johannesburg. (pp. 12-17).
Bloom, B. S. 1956. Taxonomy of educational objectives – The classification of educational goals – Handbook 1: Cognitive domain. London: Longman.
Chandio, M. T., Padhiani, S. M., and Iqbal, R. 2016. Bloom’s Taxonomy: Improving Assessment and Teaching-Learning Process. Journal of Education and Educational Development. University of Sindh.
Erwin, Kelli., and Mohammed, S. 2022. Digital Literacy Skills Instruction and Increased Skills Proficiency. International Journal of Technology in Education and Science. ol. 6, No. 2, 323-332.
Naufal, H. A. (2021). Literasi digital. Perspektif, 1(2), 195-202.
Restianty, A. (2018). Literasi Digital Sebuah Tantangan Baru Dalam Literasi Media. Jurnal Kehumasan, 1(1), 72–87.
Rizal, Chairul., et al. "Literasi digital." (2022).
Syafrial, Herry. Literasi digital. Nas Media Pustaka, 2023.
Minggu, 08 Agustus 2021
Learning service English Assignment
Hi buddies,how are you? I hope you’re doing well.
In this time i will bring some topic about SDGs.What are the SDGs? The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a global action plan to end poverty,reduce inequality and protect the environment.
We will discuss about SDGs number 13.Do you know about SDGs number 13?
Climate action is an action taken to prevent climate change and natural disasters. can you imagine if we don't do anything about climate change on this earth? Many things can happen, one of the impacts is the fresh water scarcity.
Most of the water on earth is saline water in the oceans (97.5%) and the remaining 2,5% is fresh water. With climate change, the world's supply of clean water will decrease. it's made worse by the behavior of people who throw trash in the waters.
what can we do to save the earth? starting with ourselves.Throw the trash in the trash can.
You can also planting trees to reduce climate change.
Don't forget to share your experience so others can do it too.
That all from me i hope we can always protect our planet.Make world a better place.for now and for the future. If you have suggestions and criticisms, you can comment below.See you buddies😉
XII Mipa 1_16_Nona Rizki Cintara
Jumat, 27 Maret 2020
Write 10 simple past tense and change to negative and interrogative.
1.(+)Kristofer hivju was born in Oslo,Norway.
(-) Kristofer hivju wasn't born in Oslo,Norway.
(?) was Kristofer hivju born in Oslo,Norway ?
2.(+) Kristofer hivju was born on December 7,1978
(-) Kristofer hivju wasn't born on December 7,1978
(?)was Kristofer hivju born on December 7,1978 ?
3.(+)He ia the son of Norwegian actor,Erik hivju.
(-)He didn't the son of Norwegian actor,Erik hivju.
(?)Did He is the son of Norwegian actor,Erik hivju ?
4.(+)He is the cousin of French actress, Isabelle nanty.
(-)He didn't the cousin of French actress, Isabelle nanty.
(?)Did He is the cousin of French actress, Isabelle nanty ?
5.(+)He was a Norwegian actor,producer,and writer.
(-)He wasn't a Norwegian actor,producer, and writer.
(?)was He a Norwegian actor,producer,and writer ?
6.(+)He graduated from the branch of the Russian theater arts academy.
(-)He wasn't graduate from the branch of the Russian theater arts academy.
(?)was He graduate from the branch of the Russian theater arts academy ?
7.(+)He is known as tormund giantsbane on game of thrones fantasy series.
(-)He didn't known as tormund giantsbane on game of thrones fantasy series.
(?)Did He known as tormund giantsbane on game of thrones fantasy series ?
8.(+)He was married Gry molvaer hivju on 2015.
(-)He wasn't marry Gry molvaer hivju on 2015.
(?)was He marry Gry molvaer hivju on 2015 ?
9.(+)He had two children.
(-) He Didn't have two children.
(?)did He have two children ?
10.(+)He was positively affectted by Corona.
(-)He wasn't positively affectted by corona.
(?)was He positively affectted by Corona ?
Minggu, 22 Maret 2020
Kristofer hivju was born in Oslo, Norway on December 7, 1978.He is the son of Norwegian actor erik hivju and cousin of French actress isabelle nanty.He was a Norwegian actor, producer, and writer. He is known as tormund giantsbane in game of thrones fantasy series. in 2004, he graduated from the branch of the Russian theater arts academy (gitis) in aarochus, Denmark.he married Gry molvaer hivju in 2015 and had two children.
On March 16, 2020, he told his fans through his instagram posts that he was positively affected by corona.In that post he told her that he and her family were isolating themselves at home and their improved health.In that post he also told us to prevent the corona virus by staying away from other and staying healthy.He tells us to be very cautious; Wash your hands often, keeping a distance of five feet [1.5 m] from others. He expects people to keep their health to each other, to keep their distance. He instructed the public to follow rules to maintain security and protection.
Kristofer hivju's condition is still unclear to this day. But let's just pray that he and his family get well soon. And we also pray that the corona virus can subside faster.